In order to put on an event of this size we need LOTS of volunteer's. If you can help us in any category please contact or fill out the volunteer form.
Volunteers are a crucial element to the safety and success of a race. Without volunteers it would be impossible to provide a secure race for our athletes. Likewise, we need as many helping hands as we can get. Each volunteer will receive a free event t-shirt as well as access to food and beverages.
These volunteers will assist with the check-in procedure of triathletes prior to the beginning of the swim. Triathletes are checked into a holding pen prior to the race where we check off their numbers. At the end of the swim, we have volunteers who direct the participants in the appropriate direction. Volunteers are asked to also keep spectators out of the way during the race.
Certified Life gaurds are needed to monitor swimmers. Volunteers that are experienced in a kayak can also be used on the water to help with monitoring the course.
Volunteers on the bike course are there to direct the participants to turn the appropriate way at certain intersections. Event organizers mark each turn with brightly colored turn signs and route arrows on the road surfaces. Volunteers are equipped with bright orange vests.
IMPORTANT: Volunteers are asked to not wave but rather to just hold their arm in the direction the participants will be turning. Also, make sure you're in a good location - one that allows the participant to clearly see you as they approach the intersection.
Police will be located at any intersection that requires vehicular traffic to stop and yield to bikers. Volunteers will not be asked to deal with vehicular traffic. This is the job for the police.
Volunteers on the run course have the responsibility of directing participants at certain turns. Volunteers will have orange vests. Point your arm towards the turn - don't wave it.
The transition area is the fenced in area containing all the bike racks. This area stays busy the entire time. Here are the basic responsibilities for transition area volunteers:
Before the event transition area volunteers are provided with clipboards that contain a variety of frequently asked questions. Volunteers will be stationed at the two entrances to the transition area. They will be asked to keep spectators out of the transition area. The transition area is for participants only. Participants know this and have been told repeatedly. In addition to the this job, the volunteers will be answering basic questions from participants using these clipboards (Where is registration? Where are the port-a-lets? etc.)
During the event transition area volunteers will become traffic cops - directing participants out the appropriate exits of the transition area. They will continue to keep any wandering spectators out of the transition area.
One job will be handing out timing chips the morning of the race. Each participant must receive the chip that corresponds to their race number.
The other job will be collecting the timing chips from the athletes as the finish the race.
Participants have to be marked so that they can be identified as they exit the water following the swim portion of the race. This is done to assist USA Triathlon officials during the event, as this is their way of identifying participants. Body marking is also done to assist the official race photographers. Participants are marked with black magic markers. Volunteers write the participant's number CLEARLY and LEGIBLY on both arms and on the back of right hand. They also write the participant's event category and age on the back of their right calf.
These are the folks who assist with serving the beverages and food to participants following the event.
Volunteers are needed to park all the arriving participants in designated parking areas.
During the run portion of the event, we have aid stations set up for the participants. Volunteers typically hand participants cups filled with water and/or energy drinks. It's always a good idea to have one member of the aid station crew assigned to picking up cups during the evemt. This will save a lot of time when the event is over.
Volunteers are always needed to assist at packet pick-up/registration. Prior to the event, participants must check-in. They receive their official event numbers, packet of information, t-shirts, swim caps, etc. This takes place for two hours prior to the race and also for a few hours the day before the event.