What time do I need to arrive on race morning?
We recommend that you arrive before 7 am on race morning. Check-in closes at 7:30 am for the Sprint Triathlon and 8:30 am for the Kids Triathlon(Don't be late). Mandatory Race Meeting at 7:45am.
Example of time planning: 15 minutes to park and walk to registration. 15 minutes to register- go through the stations and get body marked. 15 minutes to set up transition...XX minutes to hit the porta potties. We highly encourage athletes to check-in on Friday evening if at all possible.
What time does the race start?
First wave of the Sprint Triathlon at 8 am. The kids triathlon will start at 9:30 am.
What awards will be given?
Individual Triathlon and Competitive Kids Triathlon: Top 3 in each age group and Top 3 overall for each race.(Top 3 overall Males and Females will be pulled from the age group awards)
Teams: Awards for each member of the first place team.
How do I get to Barron Lake Triathlon?
The Barron Lake Triathlon is located at 1263 Rose Dr, Niles, MI. 13 miles North East of South Bend, IN. 19 miles from Elkhart, IN and just 7 miles from the Indiana/Michigan state line.
Click for map.
Where do I park?
Parking for race morning is Hope Community Church — 2390 Lake St, Niles, MI. There is absolutely NO parking on the neighborhood streets. Any vehicle parked on a street or on a residents grass will be towed. There will be a shuttle to bring you from the parking area to the venue starting at 5:30am race morning.
Click to view Parking Map
What does my entry include?
Your entry includes a custom T-shirt, awards for top finishers, chip timing and post race food.(Sizes are only guaranteed for early registrants)
What do I need to bring to Check-in?
Your photo ID and USAT card (if you are a USAT member) Everyone must pick up their own packet, including every member of a team. There are NO exceptions.
How will the race be timed?
This race is chip timed - chips will be distributed at check-in.
What is the weather policy?
The race will go off either rain or shine. USAT guidlines will control whether the swim portion of the race is delayed or scratched. In the event of lightening there will be a delay.
Where does the race start?
1263 Rose Dr, Niles, MI 49120
When is packet pickup?
Friday, 4:00 PM-6:00 PM or race morning from 6:00 AM to 7:30 AM.
Where is packet pickup?
1263 Rose Dr, Niles, MI 49120
Whats is USAT and why the $15 fee?
USAT is the governing/sanctioning body for Triathlons. They provide rules for racing and guidelines for race safety that we must obey in order to be sanctioned by them. If you are a member then your fee is already paid. If you are not a USAT member, you must simply pay $15 in addition to your event registration to cover a one day "license". This is a pass-through cost for us and is required for the event insurance.
An annual USAT membership costs $50, so if you are going to race in four USAT-sanctioned events, it makes sense for you to become an annual member. If you are not sure, then just opt for the one-day license.
Who do I contact with questions not answered here?